A (not so) brief history of Johny Vegas:

It all started many years ago, around 1990, when three guys Jeff Gibbons, Keith Calveric and Mike Shimshack got together to form an acoustic group to perform at fraternity/sorority parties at Oswego State University. They racked their brains to come up with a great name for this group and finally settled on the ultra-creative "Jeff, Keith and Mike" Nicely done!

After a about a year of performing acoustically and seriously bringing down the house, our friends in another Oswego band 'Frostbit Blue' Suggested we get ourselves a whole band. You know, drums, bass...stuff like that. Sweet idea we thought, but who? Well that question was answered quickly as Frostbit Blue members Nick Gravelding and John "Valcher" Bletch offered their services. The original plan was for 'V' to play drum and for Nick to take up the bass. We rehearsed a bit like that but before we ever played our first gig, we stumbled upon another bird flipping bass player. Indeed it was the infamous Mike Miller.
Miller quickly took over the bass player spot but we didn't want to leave Nick out so we decided that he should also be playing guitar (his main instrument) So there we were...6 guys ready to go! We converted most of our acoustic tunes to work with a full band, we added some of our early originals like "Me and Sonny" and "Be the One to Say" stacked some new cover tunes in the set like Pearl Jam, Spin Doctors and Gin Blossoms and we were off... with our newly formed band JOHNY VEGAS.
It didn't take long for the gigs to start pouring in. And before long there were too many gigs for the guys from Frostbit to handle. They had their own band to worry about.. you know? So when we had to pass on gigs because there was a Frostbit show, we decided that we needed to be more self sufficient. It was at this point that we recruited seasoned french fry Kevin Cotrupe to play drums. Kevin had been playing in a band called 'Ten High" It was a cool band...They played songs by The Outfield for God's sake. Plus Kev was a good friend of all of us so it was a great fit.
Kev was with the band for quite some time and we played a stankload of gigs. 5 nights a week in Oswego, trips to Ithaca and NYC started and Vegas was on their way. It was at this point that the massive amount of shows started to be a bit too much for Kev and we needed to find a replacement. And let me tell you, trying out drummers is no pleasant task. One crappy skin hitter after the next... and it takes about three seconds of performance to realize that the guy stinks but he went though all the trouble of setting up his drums and stuff that you had to be polite and jam for a little while. UGH...so painful. We had nearly given up hope when we found Alex and that's where chapter 2 of JV begins.

-chapter 2-

the shacki patch - Oswego, NY